La Puta Suegra I Events Agency - Copyright © ℗ ® ™


The UNE-EN-ISO 20121:2013 - Event Sustainability Management Systems is an international standard that allows La Puta Suegra to manage any type of event or activity related to it by applying sustainability criteria.

We can consider then, that the objective pursued with this new standard is the consideration and improvement of sustainability throughout the entire cycle of event management produced by La Puta Suegra.

ISO 20121 determines the requirements, with recommendations for use, necessary to consider and include sustainability criteria in the management of any event throughout all stages of the process: design, organization, planning, execution, development, review and post-event activities.

Events have an environmental, economic and social impact on the environment in which they take place that must be taken into account throughout their organization, from their initial design to the actions that take place once the event is over, so the inclusion of sustainability criteria throughout this process is essential.

This standard certifies La Puta Suegra's management system, not the event itself, guaranteeing that La Puta Suegra plans and develops its productions taking into account sustainability requirements.

  • Contemplate the positive and negative impacts of events from a social, economic and environmental perspective.

  • Improve the sustainability of the activities carried out in the management of the events.

  • Continuous improvement of the organization's processes, from the conception of ideas and design to their materialization and including post-execution activities.

  • Incorporate sustainable development in event management in a flexible and integrated way.


  • Reduction of the carbon footprint of the event.

  • Cost savings derived from a decrease and efficiency in the use and consumption of resources (water, energy, etc.).

  • Greater control over suppliers and contractors.

  • It reinforces the corporate social responsibility of the company by certifying its social and environmental commitment.

  • Improvement of the corporate image and the competitiveness of the company, satisfying the increasing demands demanded by customers, suppliers and society in general.

  • Better position against the competition in public tenders or evaluations carried out by large clients.

  • Anticipation of possible environmental problems, preventing their appearance.

  • Continuous improvement of the company.

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