Campus 2024 Recap: An Unforgettable Training

As with all our trainings, the students arrived not knowing exactly what to expect and with the instruction to just go with the flow. This marked the beginning of a five-day immersive training adventure at the charming Colonia Rosiñol in Manlleu. From the very first moment, we aimed to share our values of humility and transparency. That’s why the first day began with an inspiring talk by Izanami, a renowned coach who spoke directly to the students. She provided them with a space to express their concerns and projects, and in return, she offered valuable tools to help them achieve their goals.

Later, we welcomed Nacho and María, two military professionals who not only shared their experiences but also offered practical advice on discipline, a crucial quality both in the military and in event organization. The day ended on a high note with two high-impact dynamics led by Amy and Idania, where participants faced their fears and bonded even more, boosting their confidence to reach their goals.

The second day kicked off with full energy thanks to Magalí Dalix, who made the students sweat with an energetic morning session. Then, Bertus, the creative director of VICIO, shared his passion for uniqueness, discussing his successes and failures and revealing the keys to building a successful brand. The afternoon continued with a masterclass from La Puta Suegra, where we enjoyed popcorn while delighting the students with our knowledge.

The third day was dedicated to limitless creativity. The Mesura team, led by Marcos, shared their vision on how they approach their architectural projects and the similarities with event organization. Later, Pepe and Pablo guided a technical session, teaching the students about essential programs and important details regarding sound and lighting in events.

The fourth day was an explosion of energy. It started with a yoga session, followed by Paco and Jose from Kiloenergia filling us with good vibes, while Oriol taught us about meteorology. We then moved to the Vallviva Festival to discuss our inter-foundational project with them. Upon returning, the Sounders team was waiting for us with a hands-on activity, setting up structures and lights, as it should be, with our feet in the mud. The night ended with a fun dynamic of unloading truck tires and a team gymkhana, followed by a party with DJs and pizzas. Because yes, we came to learn, but also to have fun!

The final day started early with a unique experience: a bird's-eye view from a hot air balloon. Janna, a professional macro-event producer, shared her experience, and then we refreshed ourselves with a water fight. Carlos continued the day by discussing safety and protocol in events. We did creativity dynamics to challenge the students and, to conclude, Gloria guided us in a reflection session where we shared our experiences, thus closing the unforgettable Campus2024.

This course not only provided us with an immense amount of learning but also left us with memories and emotions that will stay with us forever. Thank you to everyone who was part of this special experience!

Josep Plana Nadal